Easy16S : a user-friendly Shiny web-service for exploration and visualization of microbiome data.

Journées Nutrition et Ecosystèmes Microbiens 2024

Cédric Midoux


April 16, 2024

Metabarcoding workflow

Alvaro (2017)

Exploration and visualisation?

Liu et al. (2020)

Perform Complex Analyses?

  • Depends on huge data, specific formats
  • Requires computational resources
  • Need to install tools locally
  • Training and acquiring expertise in analyses
  • Need time to carry out analyses
  • Integrate data and metadata
  • Tools lack interactivity

We generally use Rscripts but it can be long, complex and requires specific knowledge …

Statement of need

Easy16S is designed to facilitate the exploration, visualization, and analysis of microbiome data !

  • User-friendly interactive web application
  • Convenient functions and default settings
  • To explore, visualize, and analyze metabarcoding data
  • Hosted on an online instance
  • Built with R and based on the phyloseq package
  • Integrated with the FROGS sequence processing suite

Live Demo

Upload data

Transform data





Beta diversity

Differential abundance

Differential abundance

Take Home Messages

Online instance


GitLab (issues and contributions)



Take Home Messages


Alvaro, Sebastian. 2017. “Amplicon Sequencing and High-Throughput Genotyping – Metagenomics.” http://www.sixthresearcher.com/amplicon-sequencing-and-high-throughput-genotyping-metagenomics/.
Liu, Yong-Xin, Yuan Qin, Tong Chen, Meiping Lu, Xubo Qian, Xiaoxuan Guo, and Yang Bai. 2020. “A Practical Guide to Amplicon and Metagenomic Analysis of Microbiome Data.” Protein & Cell 12 (5): 315–30. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13238-020-00724-8.